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Mappls Raster Catalogue

DigitalSky Airspace Layers​


This is an easy & FREE to integrate DigitalSky Airspace zones layers widget by Mappls.

The drone airspace map is an interactive map of India that demarcates the yellow and red zones across the country.

The airspace map may be modified by authorised entities from time to time. Anyone planning to operate a drone should mandatorily check the latest airspace map for any changes in zone boundaries.

Follow the below steps to integrate the plugin


This plugin can be installed using CocoaPods. It is available with the name MapplsRasterCatalogue.

Using CocoaPods​

Create a Podfile with the following specification:

pod 'MapplsRasterCatalogue', '0.1.0'

Run pod repo update && pod install and open the resulting Xcode workspace.


This library depends upon several Mappls's own libraries. All dependent libraries will be automatically installed using CocoaPods.

Below are list of dependencies which are required to run this SDK:



It is required to set MAPPLS's keys to use any MAPPL's SDK. Please see here to achieve this.


RasterCatalogue Layer Types​

An enum MapplsRasterCatalogueLayerType can be used to get different types of layers. Below are different types which are available:

  1. MapplsRasterCatalogueLayerTypeInternationalBoundary25KM - Depicts International Boundary of India
  2. MapplsRasterCatalogueLayerTypeAirport8To12KMYellow - This Yellow zone is the airspace above 400 feet in a designated green zone; above 200 feet in the area located between 8-12 km from the perimeter of an operational airport
  3. MapplsRasterCatalogueLayerTypeAirport5To8KM - This Yellow zone is the airspace above 400 feet in a designated green zone; above 200 feet in the area located between 5-8 km from the perimeter of an operational airport
  4. MapplsRasterCatalogueLayerTypeAirport0To5KM - Shows zone is the β€˜no-drone zone’ within which drones can be operated only after a permission from the Central Government.

Now that you’re all caught up with the features, let's get down right to them and look at how you can integrate our RasterCatalogue plugin to add data on your map in few simple steps.

Initialization MapplsRasterCatalogue Plugin ​

var rasterCataloguePlugin : MapplsRasterCataloguePlugin = MapplsRasterCataloguePlugin(mapView: mapView)

Use of RasterCatalogue API​

Use instance of MapplsRasterCataloguePlugin to show response of RasterCatalogue API as Map Layers.


Below are parameters of MapplsRasterCatalogueLayerOptions class.

  • layerType (mandatory): It is an enum of type MapplsRasterCatalogueLayerType.

  • crossOrigin (optional): It is of type String. For more info see here.

  • transparent (optional): It is type Bool. its default value is true.

  • zIndex (optional): It is of type BOOL. its default value is 0

Step 2 - Adding RasterCatalogue layer on Map​

A function addRasterCatalogueLayer available in MapplsRasterCataloguePlugin which accepts request of type MapplsRasterCatalogueLayerOptions. Plugin internally consume that request to get response and plot layer on Map accordingly.

let request = MapplsRasterCatalogueLayerOptions(layerType: .airport5To8KM)

Other Methods Available:​

1. Remove RasterCatalogue Layer

removeRasterCatalogueLayer is a function which accepts request of type MapplsRasterCatalogueLayerOptions to remove related layer from map.

let request = MapplsRasterCatalogueLayerOptions(layerType: .airport5To8KM)