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Feedback API

If you want to send feedback for search and selection user made you can use this api and it will improve your search result.


MapplsFeedback feedback = MapplsFeedback.builder()  
MapplsFeedbackManager.newInstance(feedback).call(new OnResponseCallback<Void>() {
public void onSuccess(Void response) {
//Handle response

public void onError(int code, String message) {
//Handle error


val feedback = MapplsFeedback.builder()
MapplsFeedbackManager.newInstance(feedback).call(object : OnResponseCallback<Void?> {
override fun onSuccess(response: Void?) {

override fun onError(code: Int, message: String) {
//Handle Error

Request Parameters

Mandatory Parameter

  1. typedKeyword (String) : The string that was searched. Must be 2 characters or more.
  2. mapplsPin (String) : eLoc of the location that was selected. Must be exactly 6 characters.
  3. index (Integer) : the index of the selected object that was returned from the search.
  4. userName (String) : the username of the user that’s logged in.
  5. appVersion (String) : the version of the app that was used to make the request.

Optional Parameter

  1. longitude (Double) : the longitude of the location from where the search is made. The longitude must be a double value, must not start with 0.
  2. latitude (Double) : the latitude of the location from where the search is made. The latitude must be a double value, must not start with 0 and must not be larger than the longitude.
  3. locationName (String ) : name of the location that was selected.

Response Code (as HTTP response code)


  1. 201: To denote that the feedback was successfully created.

Client side issues:

  1. 400: Bad Request, User made an error while creating a valid request.
  2. 401: Unauthorized, Developer’s key is not allowed to send a request with restricted parameters.
  3. 403: Forbidden, Developer’s key has hit its daily/hourly limit.

Server-Side Issues:

  1. 500: Internal Server Error, the request caused an error in our systems.
  2. 503: Service Unavailable, during our maintenance break or server downtimes.

Response Messages (as HTTP response message)

  1. 201: Feedback submitted.
  2. 400: Something’s just not right with the request.
  3. 401: Access Denied.
  4. 403: Services for this key has been suspended due to daily/hourly transactions limit.
  5. 500: Something went wrong.
  6. 503: Maintenance Break.

Response parameters

The response of this API would be empty. Success would be denoted by the response codes and error would be denoted with the response codes.